President - Sheri Erikson, CST
I have been a Surgical Technologist since 2011. I made the huge decision to go back to school for Surgical Technology after working almost 20 years in the printing industry. I wanted something that would allow me to work closer to home and that would provide a new challenge for me. I attended Quincy College and passed the CST exam in 2011. I worked at Boston Medical, South Shore and Tobey Hospitals until I was hired at Cape Cod Hospital 7 years ago.
I love being a CST, I am always looking for new ways to learn and challenge myself. I scrub almost all cases at CCH but mostly I scrub Ortho and Neuro, and I was recently trained to scrub MAKOplasty cases. Last year I continued my education by completing a year of Surgical First Assist schooling through Meridian and I am very proud to say that I graduated in December.
I have served on the Massachusetts Assembly of Surgical Technologist Board as a Board of Director Member for 2 years and I was elected twice to serve as Secretary. In November 2019 I was honored to be elected as President. I am passionate about helping others learn about Surgical Technology and educating people about what we do and who we are.
I live in Barnstable, on Cape Cod with my husband. I have 2 amazing adult children and a really awesome 14 year-old son as well a beautiful 5 year-old granddaughter. My kids say I am a total dork because I love to read, take classes and I go crazy over new techie toys - computers, electronics & gadgets! I also love to cook, and I am most relaxed when I am boating and traveling to warm weather locations.
I am looking forward to serving you as President. I am open to your suggestions and look forward to hearing from you!
Vice President - Kristen Urbanek, CST
Originally from the Pittsburgh area, I moved here 20 years ago to attend Northeastern University. After graduating, I worked as a Technical Research Coordinator. Soon after, I received my Certificate in Surgical Technology from Bunker Hill Community College and began working at Massachusetts General Hospital. I spent my first 8.5 years at MGH scrubbing orthopaedic cases, specializing in total shoulder surgery and orthopaedic oncology. In January 2012, I transferred to the trauma team and am currently working nights. Shortly after switching to nights I ran into my former professor at BHCC and she asked if I wanted to work with her at BHCC. I have been working with BHCC for the last 8 years as a Lab Instructor and Clinical Instructor.
For the last three years I was successful in presenting a spring conference for Surgical Techs along with the MA Board of Directors, bringing topics such as Trauma and Transplants to you for continuing education. I am working on the next conference for this March, and I hope to see you there!
I became a Massachusetts Board Member in February 2016. In November 2019 I was elected Vice President of the Massachusetts State Assembly. I attended my first National Conference in 2016, where I was a delegate and had the privilege of voting on National Elections. I was honored to serve as a delegate again in 2017, 2018 and 2019. This year I am looking forward to attending the conference once again as a delegate and Vice President.

Treasurer - Amy Ruelle Leigner, CST
I'm a level 4 CST at Baystate Medical center. I've been a CST for 20 years and have scrubbed in a variety of specialties including cardiac, vascular ,retina and cataracts. I currently work in Chestnut surgery center which is a day stay facility focusing on eyes! I'm active in our hospitals clinical ladder committee and was a founding father of the committee. We are a group of dedicated technologists who promote our profession in a positive light. We collaborate with surgeons, nurses and technologists each year to host a conference. We honor surgical technology week with a dinner gala and clinical excellence awards. Each year we contribute to a scholarship fund at STCC for a student surgical technology student. I was asked to join our state assembly this year by another member and am excited and happy to be a part of the team. I look forward to serving my State and working with this team

Board Director Mindy Westermann, CST
My name is Mindy Westermann I’ve been a CST for 11 years. I currently specialize in ENT surgery. I am a level 4 technologist and am active on our Hospitals clinical ladder. I am committed to our student surgical technologists and enjoy precepting them. I was voted preceptor of the year and also received the clinical excellence award for my commitment and dedication to our profession. This is my first time serving on the board for the state assembly and I am looking forward to the opportunity.